Robin Brun, Robin Brun Life Certified Life Coach and Career Counseling
I have never been part of an organization like Women in Christian Leadership where you can talk openly about your faith and learn from other women about their faith. Women in Christian Leadership creates a wonderful platform or space where women can come together virtually from all different parts of the country, as well as globally to share their faith, to listen and learn from other women who have similar experiences hopes and fears but most importantly a belief in Jesus Christ as our savior. Every program – whether the Coffee & Conversations or the Roundtable has had wonderful presenters. What I've seen happen on these calls is it becomes sacred ground. It feels holy like when Jesus said “for where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” I feel Christ’s presence on these calls. There is a true sense of community and a bond that is created by the women on each call. The sessions are uplifting. It makes me want to be a better Christian. I love everything about Women in Christian Leadership and I'm excited about the future and feel encouraged and blessed by being part of this amazing organization.